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Abbotts 50th Get Together 1987

by Karrell Fox

One night recently
as I sat alone at home
I leaned back in my easy chair
and let my memories roam

to yesterday's Colon Get-togethers
boy, were they fun
and as conventions go
Colon was always number one.

My first was at the Colon Opera House
so many years ago
and yet...as I close my eyes
I can still recall that show.

The emcee was Dorny
and he was really funny
Lester Lake did his guillotine
and chopped off the head of a 'honey'.

Monk Watson did the orchestra leader
at which he had no peer
then Jesse Thornton with his clock act
from Vaudeville's yesteryear.

Intermission came next
and even it was a dandy
as Percy Abbott himself did a pitch
and then sold the candy

Bill Williston did his comedy
then Mel with lightning art
and then a kid named Fox
contributing his part

The band had only two members Gladys Abbott at the piano
and later I was to learn
that the fiddler who worked with her
had the last name of Stern

The memories I have are many
of the Get-togethers past
where hundreds of friendships have been made
and all of them will last

The suppers at the churches
where the food was always great
the local merchants sidewalk sales
in which we all participate

The names of all the Super Stars
who appeared in Abbott's tent
Blackstone - Gwynne - Crandall
and Recil Bordner, he was quite a gent

For places to visit in Colon
The American Legion is number one
and there’s never a night there
that isn't filled with fun

To the wonderful people of Colon
who have always been so great
and who welcome us in their homes
even when we sneak in late

to all the crew at Abbotts
and Greg Bordner, who runs the store
we thank you for all the memories
and we'll be back for fifty more!

If you have a favorite story or moment of the Magic Get Together
Send it to webmaster@magicgettogether.com for all to enjoy

Magic Capital of the World

We're Not a 1 Horse Town
Duke Stern said Colon is not a one horse town...

Guess he was right!
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